Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Show and Tell

Today Jackson has show and tell...I thought it would be exciting!  I had no idea how stressful it would be!  Jack needed to bring something red.  I thought it would be easy considering he's my super hero kid.  Spiderman, Captain America, you name it, we have it!  First I suggest captain america's shield...nope it has gray on it.  Next, I suggest Spiderman...nope it has blue on it.  I tell Jackson I'm sure his object does not have to be solid red but he's not convinced.  Here come the water works...oh my!  How bout we eat breakfast?  No not hungry.  Oh my this is gonna be a morning!  Finally, I just stick the captain america shield in his backpack and tell him this is what he's going to take!  Hope this works...not looking forward to next week!  Who knew the life of a kindergartner could be so stressful!
Well, gotta go, my little Emily is taking all my tupperware out of the cupboard and trying to open up the fridge!
Bye for now,

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